Street Link and why it's important


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Have you ever used Street Link? Read below to find out more about it and why it's important from our Huddersfield Outreach Worker:

"Sadly there are more and more people than ever before sleeping rough on our streets and as an outreach worker I have been busier than ever. As such I would like to give a big shout out to all those who have taken the time and effort to alert Streetlink in regards to someone sleeping rough.

Streetlink is a website, mobile app and phone line that allow you to alert local authorities to the whereabouts of a rough sleeper, so they can notify street outreach services which will establish contact and offer appropriate help and support.

If you ever need to make a referral then please try and supply as much information as is practical. This includes a personal description, time and date seen and most importantly an accurate location.

Referrals have been made from a wide range of individuals including joggers, dog walkers, park rangers, postal workers, people enjoying a night out and I thank you all. Without your care and effort people would be missed and would remain at risk. Referrals to Streetlink help enormously in ensuring that local Councils understand the true extent of the situation and the demand for their services.

The Streetlink website is or you can download the app on Google Play or the App Store. Alternatively call Streetlink directly on 0300 500 0914.

Please keep doing what you are doing as I could not do my job as efficiently without you. Once again many, many thanks. "

- Huddersfield Outreach Worker

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