Providing hope for those without a voice

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We’re an independent charity in West Yorkshire helping the homeless and vulnerable

We deliver outreach on the streets to the homeless community and those that are most vulnerable in Leeds and Bradford.

What we do

We offer unlimited emotional and practical support for homeless and vulnerable people

Why we do what we do

On average, a person who is homeless has an average life expectancy of just 44 years old. 80% of people sleeping on the streets have a mental health problem and homeless people are over nine times more likely to take their own life than the general population.

Causes of homelessness

People become homeless for many reasons. They may become unemployed, lose their home due to increases in rent or be experiencing poverty and debt. They may have left prison, care or the army and have no home to go to. There is a shortage of affordable housing which makes it more difficult for people to find places to rent. An individual may be fleeing domestic violence or become homeless after a relationship breakdown or bereavement. For many people it is often a combination of factors.  

Effects of sleeping rough

Homelessness can have the biggest impact on a person's mental and physical health - they both contribute to someone sleeping rough and worsen the problems the longer they are on the streets. Many people who are homeless experience feelings of isolation and loneliness which affects their mental health.

Learn more about homelessness
A man sat in a sleeping bag, looking down at his hands. A street can be seen in the distance.

We've helped hundreds of rough sleepers get off the streets

Al is an EU migrant with no recourse to public funds, making it extremely difficult for him to get support. When we first met Al, he had been staying with a rogue landlord, living in various squats. He is now safe and in a home of his own.

Read Al's story or see more stories.

Sometimes, up to 15 people would sleep in one small room. Many were heavy drinkers and it could get quite crowded. Al could never relax and was constantly on edge.

A man is sat on a piece of cardboard. He is in an alleyway. Graffiti covers the wall behind him.

In 2023...


We supported 199 people with practical and emotional support on the streets of Leeds


We supported 27 people off the streets and into permanent housing


We carried out 3043 welfare checks to ensure the people we support are safe from harm


We helped to support people into temporary or emergency accommodation 537 times


We signposted 3932 to a range of services including addiction, housing, benefits

How you can support us


  As an independent charity we need to raise all our own funds. Your support really does make all the difference and allows us to continue to provide support to some of the most vulnerable people in our community.  

Find out more

Become a corporate partner

  At Simon on the Streets we are proud to have a broad base of support from Yorkshire’s corporate and business community. We work hard to develop our relationships with our supporters towards long term, sustainable and positive relationships.  

Get Involved

Attend an event

  Help us end homelessness. Join an event and fundraise to support our work in West Yorkshire.  

Our latest events

Get Support

Are you homeless?

We understand how scary it must be to find yourself on the street with nowhere to turn, but we’re here to support you. Get support in any of the cities we operate in: Leeds and Bradford.

Get support for someone you know

If you’re concerned about a rough sleeper you’ve seen in your area and are looking for advice, you can learn more about the support available. 

Get Support
A person is sat on the floor between two bins.

What we've been writing about

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