25 years of Simon on the Streets


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Last year was an intense year of fundraising, team growth, and supporting a rapidly increasing number of people facing homelessness. Some of you may know that 2024 was the year we, as a charity, turned 25. This year, we’re getting ready to mark that milestone. 

It’s hard to believe it’s been over a quarter of a century since we started working in the West Yorkshire community to end homelessness. It’s even harder to believe that in 2025, the demand for our services has never been greater. 

There have been ups. There have been downs. But we’re still here! And more motivated than ever to deliver on our mission to break the cycle of homelessness. 

Practical and emotional support for the homeless community 

Our aim is, and always will be, to provide long-term practical and emotional support to the people who turn to us for support. Many of the people we work with have no one to turn to and no one to trust. 

We spend the time needed to build relationships, helping people know that someone is in their corner and that they have someone to advocate for them. Practically, we help those who need it to access specialist services, attend appointments, and do anything else they need. Ultimately, we aim to help people feel empowered and more in control of their place in society after experiencing homelessness. 

There’s no time limit on the support we provide. It takes as long as it takes. And it doesn’t end if and when someone has found housing. The relationships built often endure long beyond someone no longer needing our services. 

We’re honoured that many people who have come through Simon on the Streets have since returned as part of our outreach team or voluntarily. Their desire to help others in the same position is hugely inspiring. 

Outreach-focused support 

Our work has always been rooted in outreach. This is because many of the people we work with have a fear of, and complicated relationships with, local authorities or other support services. They may not always be comfortable coming forward for support, having been rejected or faced obstacles and blockers in the past. 

That’s why our team are always ‘out there’ on the streets—talking to people directly. Understanding that nobody is invisible and everyone has their own story is the only way to encourage trust in the help and support offered - building those connections takes time, dedication, and consistency. 

How can you support Simon on the Streets in our 25th year? 

This year, we want to continue our work in the community. To do this, we need to add more people to our outreach team to expand capacity and reach - and to have a real chance of breaking the cycle of homelessness. 

To do this, we need your support. As an independent charity, we receive no government funding to push us forward. Your cash donations and fundraising are what keep us afloat. 

We hope you’ll be able to join us in 2025, not only to help us mark our 25 years as a charity, but to make a real difference to those experiencing homelessness in West Yorkshire. 

This is a team effort, and we hope you’ll be a part of it.

To learn how to get involved with us this year, visit our website. And don’t forget to follow our socials to stay in the loop about what we’ve got planned throughout 20

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