How can you support charities without breaking the bank?


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The last few years have been economically challenging for many families, individuals, and businesses. This has made it hard for organisations and charities like ours, and we know all too well the impact this has had on donations and fundraising. 

As a non-profit, donation-led organisation, we’re always grateful for any support people can give. However, we understand this is easier said than done for many people now.

This week’s blog provides ideas and inspiration for supporting your favourite charities and organisations - without breaking the bank. 

Like, share, comment! Shout about us on social media 

With vast numbers of us having access to smartphones, social media, and visibility across various platforms, spreading the word about our work has never been easier. Visibility and exposure like this can have a huge impact and make a real difference for charities like ours. 

Cast your mind back 10 years to 2014, when the ‘ALS Ice Bucket Challenge’ went viral on social media. This campaign raised huge amounts of money and vital awareness for the ALS Association and the disease it’s fighting. Despite being an American charity, the viral nature of this campaign opened it up to global audiences overnight.   

We’re not suggesting that everything needs to be a viral sensation. Every single interaction can make a difference. Posts can be anything from sharing an article (like this one) to describing your own experience or why the charity matters to you or even simply sharing a link to a fundraising page for an event or campaign. 

You never know who may see it and decide to help in their own way. 


Volunteering has been and always will be one of the greatest ways to support a charity. Time and effort go a long way, not to mention its positive effects on an individual’s mental health. The Mental Health Foundation shares how volunteering can help to improve self-esteem, loneliness, and overall happiness. 

In addition, volunteering is a fantastic way to get to know your local community better - particularly if you’d like to support a local charity. 

Here at Simon on the Streets, the work of our volunteers is invaluable. They cover everything from photography and helping at our events to outreach. 

Share your resources 

Do you have a service or resource that could help a charity? Are you a business or part of a company looking to give something back? Maybe you have access to a venue or skill set that would be beneficial for events or future fundraising.

Our corporate network has grown massively in recent months and years and is going from strength to strength. Each business offers its own particular support, whether that’s taking part in events, becoming a 5 for 5 partner or offering its services, 

Recently, the brilliant Veezu taxis have started providing complimentary taxi rides to our outreach team as part of their ongoing partnership with Simon on the Streets. Not only will this help our charity save vital funds that can be placed elsewhere, but it'll also help many of the individuals we support get to essential appointments and allow our outreach team to assist them more easily. 

We can't thank Veezu enough!  

We know times have been tough. We want to say a huge thank you to every single one of you who has supported Simon on the Streets this year, including everyone who attended Simon’s Big Sleep Out. Whether you sponsored a friend to brave the cold, braved it yourself, or gave us a shout-out on social media, every little helps. 

To find out how you can get involved with our work, get in touch with us today.

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