Are you taking part in this year’s Sleep with Simon? It’s our biggest fundraising event of the year and is all set to be a brilliant evening! Below we aim to answer some of the most commonly asked questions about the sleepout.
Sleep with Simon 2019: everything you need to know

If you are taking part in the sleepout we recommend aiming to achieve a minimum sponsorship of £100. We are a small, independent charity which does not receive government funding; instead we survive on sponsorship, fundraising and donations. Your fundraising will help us continue our vital work. You can collect your sponsorship via the JustGiving website. To create a fundraising page click Fundraise for us in the top right corner. By using Just Giving we can claim the Gift Aid that people pledge ensuring that the maximum possible amount is raised from your hard work! You can also use a paper sponsorship form.
On the night, participants will be sleeping outside in the Tilt Yard at the Royal Armouries. Whilst the space is enclosed and safe, it is not sheltered from the elements. We will be stewarding the event to ensure your safety as you sleep.
Below are some kit suggestions, but it is of course up to you what you choose to bring on the night.
- Mat, plastic sheet, thick cardboard etc. to lie on.
- Sleeping bag.
- Warm clothes (layers), waterproofs, torch, rubbish bag.
- Banner for your organisation – if you would like to promote your organisation (see below).
- Cash for refreshments and merchandise.
We will not have spare kit to give out on the night so please ensure you bring a kit with you. NB: The organisers accept no responsibility for any loss or damage to possessions or valuables on the night.
In the interest of Health and Safety we ask that people do not bring alcohol, stoves or fires. Neither tents nor audible music are allowed (although personal iPods etc. are of course fine). We reserve the right to ask anyone who is under the influence of alcohol and behaving inappropriately to leave.
Participants can begin to sign in and enter from 6pm onwards. Breakfast will begin at 6am in the morning.
There will be a competition for the most unique/artistic individual or organisational banner brought to the event. If you want to be in with a chance to win then get making your ‘unique’ banner and bring it along with you – we offer a prize to the best banner!
There will be provision for smokers and we ask that people respect this by only smoking in the designated area.
There are toilet facilities on site.
There will be a fully trained first aider present throughout the event. If you need a first aider, please let one of our stewards know.
This event will still go ahead if the rains descend! Please bear this in mind when you pack your kit, we would strongly recommend that you include waterproof clothing.
Citi Park at Leeds Dock (Armouries Drive, Leeds, LS10 1LE) has kindly agreed to allow up to 100 attendees to park for free in their car park.
We are expecting that the media will cover this event. If you are not happy for your support to be publicised then we will respect this wish. Please make sure you let us know in advance.
Please note that no animals are allowed on site.
For the first time, children aged 10 and above will be allowed to take part in the event.
Any other questions?
If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to contact us.