The Simon on the Streets Christmas Appeal - how will you make a difference?


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For many, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Parties, family gatherings, and plenty of festive enjoyment. But when you’re experiencing homelessness, Christmas can be a really tough time. 

In January this year, research from Shelter showed that there were at least 271,000 people recorded as homeless here in England. A shocking statistic by any standard. As the cost of living crisis continues, more and more people are pushed to the brink and face an uncertain future. 

That’s why we’re asking for your help this Christmas, and for you to support the Simon on the Streets Christmas Appeal. You’ll find the link here. We’re encouraging you to think about how you could make a difference, whether that’s by making a donation, supporting one of our fundraising, or organising one of your own. Let’s take a look at why your continued support is so important. 

What does it cost to help those facing homelessness?

Every single donation we receive goes directly toward supporting the work of our charity, and keeping our outreach team out there in the community. Here’s how: 

£5: Provides a hot drink and a sandwich, allowing our outreach workers to engage with someone facing homelessness and begin building a relationship to help them further.

£20: Will buy one sleeping bag.

£25: Pays for an individual facing homelessness to access a service they need for the first time, or travel to a flat viewing or benefits appointment with one of our outreach workers.

£45: Can be enough for a two-hour late evening or early morning outreach session on the streets. This means that our team will provide emotional and practical support to those rough sleeping and at risk of homelessness when they need it the most. 

£105 - Provides an individual facing homelessness with a full day of intensive one-to-one support with one of our outreach workers.

These are just some of the things your generous donations can buy, and as you can see, any donation you make can really help. 

The bite of economic uncertainty

High inflation rates and a spiralling private rental market has meant that charities like ours have seen enormous increase in demand throughout 2023. And increased demand means that we need more resources.

Research has shown that 71% of tnullhose running a charity are concerned about how they’ll manage the increased demand for services, whilst 58% stated that generating income and remaining financially secure was one of their top challenges. Perhaps more worryingly, 35% believe that their charity or organisation will struggle to survive. 

As an independent charity, we rely solely on donations and fundraising from individuals to keep our invaluable outreach working going. We understand that things are difficult for everyone in this economic climate, which is why this year, we’re thinking a little differently about the difference everybody can make. Whether that’s through simple and relaxed fundraising events, volunteering your time, or a small donation. 

How corporate support can make a difference 

If you’re a business owner wanting to give something back this Christmas, please consider supporting a charity like Simon on the Streets. From Christmas bake sales, alternative gift giving, or a festive jumper day, corporate support makes a huge difference to our organisation and we’re always happy to hear your ideas. 

Remember that your support doesn’t have to just be for Christmas. If you’re looking for a charity to support in the longer term, consider joining our 5-for-5 scheme, or get involved with our regular corporate social networking events. Both of which will not only support our charity, but will raise your business profile and grow your network at the same time. 

We appreciate any support you can give to the Simon on the Street Christmas Appeal this year. If you’d like to learn more about how you can help, all you need to do is get in touch with the team, or email our senior fundraiser Andy Sharpe on

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