What does 2024 hold for the charity sector?


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2023, and the years leading up to it, have been tough on the charity sector. Over three-quarters of charities have reported concerns around increased running costs, with inflation and high demand for services putting a significant strain on services all around the country. 

But despite the difficulties, charities continue to rise to the challenges with the help of their fantastic supporters. Here we’re taking a look at what 2024 holds for the charity sector, and how here at Simon on the Streets, we’re ready to look ahead to 2024. 

People still want to give 

Despite the gruelling and ongoing cost of living, people still want to help. For an organisation like ours that relies solely on donations to keep serving the community, this fills us with so much hope, and we’ve seen first hand how our supporters are there for us all year round. 

It’s been interesting to see from the UK Giving Focus Report that the youngest generations have actually become the most generous donators to charity here in the UK. This is just one of the reasons why we believe that educating children about the work that charities do is so vital, creating the next generation of charity supporters.  

Will we see more flexible giving? 

As the world becomes increasingly digital, there have been calls for charities to offer those who donate the option of more flexible payments, enabling them to adjust and flex their regular giving to suit their income month on month. 

This can be a really useful way to support people in their giving, giving them confidence to know that they’re giving what they can as opposed to cancelling their giving altogether. In fact, almost two-thirds of regular donors would like the opportunity to change the amount and regularity of their giving. 

Supporters need to feel valued 

When people donate to a charity, no matter how they do so, they want to know that they’re really making a difference, and that they’re valued by the organisation they've chosen to support.

Honesty and transparency can often feel like buzzwords, but they’re important. It’s why as a charity, we never tire of telling our supporters what their donations are used for, and what a difference they can make to the lives of those facing homelessness. 

As we head into 2024, we’ll continue to ensure that our supporters feel valued, and will look to build on the positive experiences our donors have when they work together with us. 

Growth in ‘inverse giving’ 

‘Inverse giving’ is a relatively new phenomenon within the charity sector, and it describes what happens when people are driven to donate to and support a cause that has been negatively portrayed in the press and media.  

Never has there been a more apt example than the recent controversial remarks made by the previous Home Secretary, Suella Braverman. In response to her remarks that homelessness was a ‘lifestyle choice’, comedian Joe Lycett raised £50,000 for Crisis UK, and the negative coverage surrounding Braverman prompted a huge surge in donations. 

Whatever the reasons behind the theory of inverse giving, it’s certainly heartwarming to see people rallying together to help those people who come up against challenge after challenge, and condemning harmful words and sentiments from senior politicians. 

As we close out 2023, we want to say a huge thank you to all our supporters, donors and fundraisers for your continued support this year. As an independent charity, everything we do depends on your generous donations - something we never take for granted. 

As long as we have your support, we’ll continue to support those who need it the most. And together, we can continue to make a difference to those facing homelessness in all its forms throughout West Yorkshire. 

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