Why your vote matters in the upcoming UK general election


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Still on the fence about who’s getting your vote in the upcoming general election? You’re certainly not alone. Division and indecision, it seems, is plaguing plenty of voters - and polls suggest that this general election is heading towards the worst voter turnout in modern history

As people grapple with the feeling that they don’t connect with any of the parties of candidates, have become disinterested in politics or already feel like their vote doesn’t count, here’s why your vote still matters.

*The deadline to register to vote in the upcoming general election has now passed. If you’re not sure, you can check the electoral register.

Three reasons to vote in the UK elections

#1 Your single vote really can influence the outcome

Think your single vote doesn’t make a difference? Think again. Our elections use a “first-past-the-post” voting system - and opinions remain divided on whether this system elects a government that’s a fair representation of the votes. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t vote; in North East Fife, the candidate in 2017 won his seat by just two votes.

If you want to learn more about the first-past-the-post voting system, you can take a look here.

#2 Use your vote to stand up and be counted

History tells us that not everyone with the legal right to vote will use it, and for some groups and demographics, that’s particularly prevalent. Research shows that young people are less likely to vote, and that people living in social houses or in homelessness services are less likely to even register to vote.

Your vote is an important statement in making sure what matters to you is represented.

#3 Actions speak louder than words

It's common to hear grievances about government decisions, but voting is your chance to influence these outcomes by choosing a candidate that you think will have a positive impact on the things that matter. If you don’t use your vote, you’re not part of influencing and challenging the policies that affect your life. Whatever you might have to say about a future government, make sure you take action when it counts by using your vote.

You’re on board with voting… but still not sure who to vote for

Choosing who to vote for might feel daunting, especially when it comes to understanding multiple parties, their priorities and their stance on complex issues. If you want to research the UK’s main parties and their manifestos, you can visit their websites, or check out this guide. We’ve also shared our thoughts on how the next government can tackle the homelessness crisis, and how you can be part of influencing policy and ending homelessness.

Sometimes politics can be a difficult topic to raise with friends, family and colleagues - but raise it anyway. It’s important to hear what others have to say, as it might show you an alternative perspective or help you learn some new information and solidify your own thoughts.

Your vote is more than just a checkbox; it's a declaration of what you want for the future. Elections are decided by everyone who shows up. So make your voice heard, influence who gets into power, and be part of shaping a government that really represents you.

Your vote really does matter. 

Don’t sit this one out.

Further reading

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