Death and homelessness - a very real problem


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Did you know that the average life expectancy of people facing homelessness is just 45 for men and 43 for women? Compared to the national average age of death in the UK (79.0 for men and 82.9 for women), this statistic is both devastating and unacceptable.

In 2021, the Museum of Homelessness estimated that 1286 people died whilst facing homelessness in England and Wales, compared to 710 in 2019. With these rising figures in mind, we’re looking at the factors that contribute to the problem, and what we can do to help those facing homelessness.

Heartbreaking statistics

As we go into 2023, homelessness is still rising. 

The cost of living crisis has followed us into the new year and is showing no signs of coming to an end any time soon. As a result, it’s likely that we’ll see the number of people dying whilst facing homelessness increasing. In fact, it’s  already increased by 80% over the past two years.

But why is this the case? 

Threat of violence

Not only is domestic violence a significant cause of homelessness in itself, leaving an abusive relationship is often when people face further violence and even the risk of death - that’s why it’s not an easy decision to make. 

According to homeless charity Crisis, individuals facing homelessness are 17 times more likely to experience violence than other members of the general public. This includes being kicked, having things thrown at them, being urinated on and sexual assault.

A news story from late last year demonstrated how this is a very real issue, as the BBC reported on two men luring a homeless woman to a hotel with the promise of warmth and a hot drink. Instead they subjected to her a violent sexual assault form which she is still trying to recover. 

Substance abuse

According to the Office of National Statistics, in 2019, 289 homeless deaths were related to drug misuse. That’s 37% of all estimated deaths among the homeless, making it the biggest killer of those sleeping rough.

Six in ten people sleeping rough suffer from a drug or alcohol problem, and it’s vital that they’re encouraged and supported to seek help. With the right commitment and funding, the potential is there to prevent more needless deaths.

Access to healthcare

Research shows that 78% of those facing homelessness have a physical health condition.

 If they fall ill, fear of prejudice and lack of support networks mean that many people facing homelessness don’t access healthcare until they’re at a critical level. In circumstances where individuals are able to access healthcare, the odds for a full recovery are stacked against them, and unfortunately, this can result in death.

A worsening problem

It’s heartbreaking to read the stories and statistics about this issue, and to see so many individuals dying as a consequence. Ultimately, when you support us here at Simon on the Streets, it’s no exaggeration to say that you’re really helping us to make a difference between life and death. 

At Simon on the Streets, we’re more determined than ever to support those facing homelessness through our outreach work and fundraising efforts. We won’t stop providing support for those who need it, and if you think you can help, take a look at how to get involved.

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